The best solution for your property damage claim in Boca Raton and surrounding areas
What We Do
We file (or re-open) your Florida property damage insurance claim through the proper channels.
We take care of all necessary insurance claim paperwork so that your filing needs are met.
Our adjusters document and assess the value of ALL visible and hidden damages to maximize your claim.
We make every single home insurance claim related phone call and interaction necessary.
We are present for ALL meetings with the insurance company’s representatives to ensure a fair process.
We make 100% sure your insurance company pays you every penny you deserve.
times greater compensation is typically received by policy holders who hire a Florida public adjuster.
more claim payouts are secured by Public Adjusters for clients, according to an OPPAGA study.
The Florida Adjusters You Can Trust
We are licensed private adjusters in Boca Raton and surrounding areas who work exclusively for the policyholder in Florida.
If you need to file any type of commercial insurance claim, home fire damage insurance claims, a theft insurance claim, a roof damage insurance claim, a hurricane damage insurance claim, water damage insurance claims, a vandalism insurance claim, a mold damage insurance claim, boat damage claims, or other insurance loss and are not satisfied with what your insurance company is offering, Reliant can help maximize your insurance claims check.